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Final Layout Choice.png

Loving in the shadow of death


The final part of my study on Orpheus and Eurydice was inspired by the intensity of love between the two characters, even after death. I studied the symbolism of colour, fire and form throughout my aesthetical experimentation. Amongst my practice of using different materials, weather conditions and technical adjustments, i listened to the music of Orpheus and Eurydice by Gluck. I was able to feel the fire and hear the music as i shot freely, watching the flames dance before me in a mesmerising trance. 


I had experimented with water, smoke, condensation and steam in my previous projects, so i wanted to stick with the theme of working with the elements to portray my translation of the classic story. This was my first time using fire and although using CGI would have been the easiest and quickest route to create my desired photographs, i wanted to be more hands on with my work. The final work has no digital manipulation much like my previous two projects.

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